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Re: Plans [Re: Cameleon 1.0]

Jérôme Marant <marant.logatique@fr.thalesgroup.com> a écrit le mercredi 28 août 2002 :

>   - zoggy
>   - okey
>   - configwin
>   - report
>   - mlchat
>   - ocamlcvs (graphical cvs helper)
>   - epeire (graphical debugger)
>   - gpattern (lib)
>   - ocamlmake-o-matic (makefile helper)
>   - dbforge (db access code generator) 
>   - topcameleon (graphical toplevel)
- options, a library to easily create configuration files 
- okey, a library to easily add handlers to key press events in LablGtk,
- ioxml, a camlp4 extension to define functions to read and write       
        values automatically from their type definitions

- configwin, a library to easily build configuration 
        or input windows in LablGtk,
- zoggy, an interface builder for LablGtk,
- report, a tool to graphically define the structure of XML/HTML 
        documents and provide the OCaml code to fill them at runtime,

- epeire, a graphical interface for the OCaml debugger 
- topcameleon, a graphical OCaml toplevel,

- OCamlmake-o-matic, a graphical assistant to create Makefiles, 
        and other files like configure.in 

- OCamlCVS, a graphical frontend to CVS commands, include a
         library which can be used to add CVS management in 
        other applications,

- a documentation browser, to explore the documentation 
                from OCamldoc dump files,

- mlchat, a little chat application without server, 
                which can be used on local networks,

- DBForge, a tool to generate the OCaml code to access database tables,
                the code being generated from the database schema defined graphically,

- Gpattern, a library containing convenient classes to use with LablGtk.

Here is the full list (snipped on the web site: 
        http://pauillac.inria.fr/~guesdon/Tools/ ) 


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