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Re: [Debian-NP] Introduction & a few ideas

On Sat, Jul 19, 2003 at 09:56:36AM -0700, waal wrote:
> Many organizations need more than address information, they need
> contact management, fundraising and other dedicated tools that might
> build off of a central database organized through say something like
> open groupware.  It would also be good to think about creating
> shared databases with appropriate privacy, security etc that are
> useful for campaign level projects.

In my opinion, a well designed and extensible contact management
database with both web and non-web cross platform interfacase might be
one of, if not *the*, killer ap for nonprofits to switch to a free
software operating system.

Start with a robust content management framework and then add
out of the box functionality or "templates" for things like donor
management, membership coordination, organizing mass mailings for
fund-raising, election coordination, etc.

There's already a good deal of talk around these nonprofit contact
management frameworks and I know of people who (while the project is
still unreleased) are working hard on this. I see room for a lot of
synthesis and overlap (between audience, developers, users) between our
project and these.

That said, at this point, I think Debian-NP will, at the moment, be
wisest to limit our focus on getting the plans for a distribution
geared at nonprofits and then getting it out the door in whatever
shape we can do with the tools we have.

Hopefully, the other people working on this will announce a project
soon so those of us interested in seeing this sort of thing written
can help out and so we can integrate it into debian-np.


Benj. Mako Hill

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