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Re: DM Application of Nikolaus Rath

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[Nikolaus Rath]
> Dear all,
> This is my declaration of intent to become a Debian Maintainer.

Here is a short message to support this application.  I know Nikolaus
thanks to his s3ql package, which I have sponsored the last 1.5 year.
When I met the package and its maintainer, it was already in a good
shape, and the process has been a delight as he proved both a
willingness to learn and a understanding of the requirements for making
a high quality package and distribution.  He is eager to keep up to date
with the best practices for Debian packages, and has been quick to
respond to bug reports.  He is also involved in the Debian Python
Modules team.

I am sure he will do a good job as a Debian Maintainer.

Signing with my existing key, as I have not had time to get an updated
key signed and into the Debian keyring.

- -- 
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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