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Advocacy for Samuel James Joseph Bronson


I advocate Samuel James Joseph Bronson to become Debian Developer, uploading.
Advocacy text:


  I, hereby, am proud to advocate Samuel James Joseph Bronson to become Debian Developer. Samuel has not been DM, but he has been mantaining GNU GDB package within Debian distribution, updating git tree with latest updates (which I myself have been reviewing and uploading), triagging bug reports on Debian BTS and always trying to figure out a suitable solution to fit wider use case. Adding to that Samuel is very active and helpful on email and IRC.

  Samuel has good knowledge of Debian packaging, and I understand he has read essential documentation to become DD. Overall, Samuel will be a great asset for Debian Community.

  As a side note, in the information box, it assumes the account is needed quickly, but it really is not. Samuel is just starting the process to learn more about Debian through NM process.

Best regards

Hector Oron (via nm.debian.org)

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