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Re: Advocating Emmet Hikory <emmet.hikory@gmail.com>

On 07/24/2011 10:42 PM, NM Front Desk wrote:
> Auth-Key: nmauth4d37aa05ef3fa43596eb6d64c098516b
> Applicant: Emmet Hikory <emmet.hikory@gmail.com>
> Why do you advocate this person? (please provide a 5-10 line summary).
> You are encouraged to take questions such as the following into account
> but you're not limited to answering these:
>  - How have they contributed to Debian already?
>  - What do they intend to do for Debian in the future?
>  - How do they interact with others, such as users and other developers?
> Please note that by default your answer will also be sent to
> debian-newmaint@lists.debian.org to allow others to comment on it.
> This is an automated message from the Debian New Maintainer website.
> Someone (possibly you) from the IP address
> nominated the Debian developer with the login "paulliu" as an advocate
> for Emmet Hikory's application.
> If you want to complete the advocacy process reply to this email, answer
> the questions above and GPG sign it. Please also make sure to include the
> Auth-Key (listed above) in your GPG signed reply.
> If you do not want to advocate this application or do not know what it
> means, just ignore this email.


Emmet Hikory maintains one package in Debian through sponsorship by
Sebastian Dröge. Though only one package but Emmet already has lots of
the knowledge about packaging and usually give tutorials of how to do
high-quality packaging to new people. In addition, Emmet also has many
bug reports in our BTS. Those bug reports are either having a patch or
having the hint that enough for addressing the issue.

I personally have lots of chance working with Emmet. He is a very good
team player. Communicating with him is easy and always helpful.

Thus I think Emmet is worth to become a Debian Developer.

Yours Sincerely,
Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu)

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