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AM report for Cristian Greco

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Cristian
   Last name:       Greco
   Key fingerprint: 745E CE2B 47D4 05CB 9342  FEFF 80F7 DBDC CF4D 32E4
   Account:         christian
   Forward email:   cristian@regolo.cc

   ID check passed, key signed by 2 existing developers:
   - Giunchedi Filippo <filippo@esaurito.net>
   - Giuseppe Iuculano <iuculano@debian.org>

   Output from keycheck.sh:

   gpg: requesting key CF4D32E4 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
   +pub   4096R/CF4D32E4 2009-11-02
   Key fingerprint = 745E CE2B 47D4 05CB 9342  FEFF 80F7 DBDC CF4D 32E4
   uid                  Cristian Greco <cristian@regolo.cc>
   sig!         6B79D401 2009-11-02  Giunchedi Filippo <filippo@esaurito.net>
   sig!         AE3BE9AA 2009-12-02  Giuseppe Iuculano <iuculano@debian.org>
   sig!3        CF4D32E4 2009-11-02  Cristian Greco <cristian@regolo.cc>
   uid                  Cristian Greco <cristian.debian@gmail.com>
   sig!         6B79D401 2009-11-02  Giunchedi Filippo <filippo@esaurito.net>
   sig!         AE3BE9AA 2009-12-02  Giuseppe Iuculano <iuculano@debian.org>
   sig!3        CF4D32E4 2009-11-02  Cristian Greco <cristian@regolo.cc>
   sub   4096R/D96EAF53 2009-11-02
   sig!         CF4D32E4 2009-11-02  Cristian Greco <cristian@regolo.cc>

   4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
   Key is OpenPGP version 4 or greater.
   Key has 4096 bits.
   Valid "e" flag, no expiration.
   Valid "s" flag, no expiration.

2. Background
   Applicant writes:

   My name is Cristian Greco, I'm 25, studying Computer Science in Italy. I was
   introduced to the Free Software philosophy about three or four years ago at
   university (unfortunately too late, I know), thanks to a great professor who is
   a real FLOSS enthusiast and evangelist.

   To be honest, my very first contact with a GNU/Linux system was with Kubuntu,
   due to a friend of mine who suggested it and helped a lot with the installation
   process and the initial approach to a different system. A few months later I
   switched to Debian by myself. This change was mostly due to the fact that I
   discovered how important it was for me to fully understand how most of the
   things I study are implemented on a real system. The Debian community gave me
   the opportunity to join the Development of a Free OS thus allowing me to
   contribute to the creation of an entire system, which is something extremely

   Within Debian, actually I mainly work on a limited set of packages: an important
   Bittorrent library (libtorrent-rasterbar) with some related clients (deluge,
   qbittorrent, fatrat); I co-maintain some libraries and utilities under the
   Debian Forensics Team umbrella; finally, some other small or co-maint packages.
   I'm in contact with all of the upstream authors of these packages (either via
   email, irc or mailing lists), which is something really important (in my
   opinion) in order to do a good packaging job (both for the upstream and user
   side).  Plans for the future: I'd like to contribute a bit more to some of the
   core teams in Debian.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   Christian has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures and
   answered all my questions about the social contract, DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good
   way. Christian committed to uphold the SC and DFSG in his Debian work and
   accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
   Christian has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   Christian is maintainer of about 10 packages (sponsored by Michal Cihar and
   myself). All packages are in good shape. Christian also answered my other
   questions regarding T&S without problems and provided patches for RC bugs.

5. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept Christian Greco as a Debian Developer.

Xavier Oswald <xoswald@debian.org>
GNU/Linux Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org/
GPG key ID: 0x464B8DE3

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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