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AM report for David Prévot <david@tilapin.org>

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      David
   Middle name:
   Last name:       Prévot
   Key fingerprint: AE14 AD01 426D 2BFB 82EF  7E1E B82A 217A FDFE 09F2
   Account:         taffit
   Forward email:   david@tilapin.org

   ID check passed, key signed by 3 existing developers:

   Output from keycheck.sh:
   pub   4096R/FDFE09F2 2010-11-23
         Key fingerprint = AE14 AD01 426D 2BFB 82EF  7E1E B82A 217A FDFE 09F2
   uid                  David Prévot <david@tilapin.org>
   sig!         DD079461 2010-12-18  Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.org>
   sig!         305A9418 2010-12-18  Kåre Thor Olsen <kaare@nightcall.dk>
   sig!         B11B627B 2011-01-20  Martin Zobel-Helas
   sig!3        FDFE09F2 2010-11-23  David Prévot <david@tilapin.org>
   uid                  David Prévot <davidp@altern.org>
   sig!         DD079461 2010-12-18  Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.org>
   sig!         305A9418 2010-12-18  Kåre Thor Olsen <kaare@nightcall.dk>
   sig!         B11B627B 2011-01-20  Martin Zobel-Helas
   sig!3        FDFE09F2 2010-11-23  David Prévot <david@tilapin.org>
   uid                  David Prévot <davidp@no-log.org>
   sig!         DD079461 2010-12-18  Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.org>
   sig!         305A9418 2010-12-18  Kåre Thor Olsen <kaare@nightcall.dk>
   sig!         B11B627B 2011-01-20  Martin Zobel-Helas
   sig!3        FDFE09F2 2010-11-23  David Prévot <david@tilapin.org>
   sub   4096R/60144D51 2010-11-23
   sig!         FDFE09F2 2010-11-23  David Prévot <david@tilapin.org>

   9 signatures not checked due to missing keys
   Key is OpenPGP version 4 or greater.
   Key has 4096 bits.
   Valid "e" flag, no expiration.
   Valid "s" flag, no expiration.

2. Background
   Applicant writes:

   Being an activist in various "freedom" areas (anti-capitalism,
   environmentalism, etc.), I try to ensure that what I do comply with what
   I fight for. Using computer for work and activism, and being a bit
   geeky, I began to use Linux in 2004 (after buying my first own computer
   on 2003). I began to use Debian in 2006, being the distribution that
   seems to fit best in its organization with what I expected (not
   depending on any company, and based on volunteer work), and naturally
   wanted to help.

   Not being a computer expert (even if I tried to learn assembly language
   when I was young, had some C++ and Fortran courses back in college, or
   learned to use Perl in 2005 while programming an application for my
   labor union), I initially tried to help the l10n French team [1] in the
   reviewing process, but I wasn't yet confident enough, and didn't
   participate much.
    1: http://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-french/2006/12/msg00428.html
   I really began to participate in the l10n French team a bit less than a
   year ago, translating and reviewing po-debconf templates, participated
   in the DPN translation when it came back to life. I now coordinate its
   French translation process: we are able for a few time now to publish it
   the same day than the English one on the website, and send the mail two
   days latter. To do so, I also participate in its writing in English. In
   order to publish the DPN, I asked for commit access to the webwml CVS,
   and then participated to bring back up to date every translated pages,
   and then did some other work on behalf of the www team, becoming a
   really active one according to the stats [2] (updating the CVE links
   during the www sprint and other massive link update are responsible of
   such a high number). I also recently began to provide translated DSA
   (that weren't translated for almost two years).
     2: https://alioth.debian.org/scm/?group_id=1135
   After some bug triaging and patch writing for phpbb3, I began to
   participate in its packaging, providing phpbb3-l10n and integrating the
   multi-board feature that did exist with phpbb2.
   In the process of learning Debian packaging, I took care of bringing
   back up-to-date the French translation of the developers reference, and
   then the new maintainer's guide: the translation of those documents were
   abandoned back in 2005 (the source code of the dev-ref was still written
   in debian-doc at this time). I do believe that translating (and taking
   care of) documentation permit to have a pretty good understanding of its
   purpose, so I updated other outdated ones like deborphan, devscript or
   po4a [3], and even translated svn-buildpackage from scratch. I currently
   coordinate the release notes translation.
     3: http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po4a/fr
   I usually try to propose upstream typo and other style fix spotted
   during translation (#600212), or even help to fix its build (#597906)
   (those example are taken from devscripts since you maintain it, but I
   could provide examples from other packages).
   I brought up to date the translation of bash manual pages, handled in
   manpages-fr-extra (I also participate in Perkamon, manpages-fr-(dev)
   upstream), and Nicolas François gave me admin access to the
   pkg-manpages-fr project on Alioth in order to coordinate its
   translation, completed for Squeeze (except for openssl) :
   Following Christian Perrier's lead, I tried to help pushing translated
   packages handled with po4a to Squeeze (I started too late to be able to
   reach 100% for French [3], but it definitely was an improvement), and
   started a mini NMU campaign (taking care of issuing a call for
   translation in order to provide as much up-to-date translation as
   possible). It resulted in some NMU, mostly sponsored by Simon Paillard
   you already know of [4], and other coordination (update-manager and
   deborphan maintainers' offered me access to their repository in order to
   do so, and grub2: debconf template review and call for translation
   because some templates that are showed during Lenny to Squeeze upgrade
   were not translated [5]).
    4: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=david@tilapin.org
    5: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/g/grub2/current/changelog#versionversion1.98_20100804-11
   I want to continue the work on the DDP: providing (and updating) po4a
   material for translators, idea shared with Osamu Aoki (I did some work
   with him about maint-guide and debian-reference) to continue the
   debian-doc -> DocBook transition, and idea shared with Simon Paillard to
   offer some unification in the build process (providing a general
   Makefile that could be in each of the handled documentation use with as
   few editing as possible. I would also like to help on updating po4a and
   other l10n building material in packages (some translation updated
   during the mini NMU run were outdated because PO files are not
   automatically updated if needed during the build).

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   David has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
   and answered all my questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. David committed to uphold the SC and DFSG
   in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
   David has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   David is maintainer of phpbb3 (sponsored by thijs) and deborphan=20
   (sponsored by carsten).
   All packages are in good shape.
   David also answered my other questions regarding T&S without problems
   and provided patches for RC bugs.

5. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept David as a Debian Developer.

 Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel@debian.org>  | Debian System Administrator
 Debian & GNU/Linux Developer           |           Debian Listmaster
 GPG key http://go.debian.net/B11B627B  | 
 GPG Fingerprint:  6B18 5642 8E41 EC89 3D5D  BDBB 53B1 AC6D B11B 627B 

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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