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Re: Problems becoming an advocate

Peter Palfrader schrieb am Montag, dem 23. März 2009:

> Your key and the sig is just fine:
> [GNUPG:] VALIDSIG 6FAA0B5CEC850DB454D0605F1CA9785A36A1DBCF 2009-03-23 1237801628 0 3 0 1 2 01 5BA68CD42C5798246638C06616E2F4F5FC81E159

Also, when checking it with GPGCheckSig from ud-ldap, which is what the
nm scripts ultimately do, if I understand this correctly:

| weasel@merkel:~$ ipython
| In [1]: import sys, traceback, time, os;
| In [2]: import string, pwd, getopt;
| In [3]: from userdir_gpg import *;
| In [4]: 
| In [5]: 
| In [6]: m=open("timcc","r").read()
| In [7]: SetKeyrings(['/srv/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg',
|    ...:              '/org/keyring.debian.org/keyrings/debian-keyring.pgp'])
| In [8]: GPGCheckSig(m)
| Out[8]: 
| (None,
^^^^^^^^  == good.
|  ('YnoK1kJPEyo9kcsOpfRWZIkCOAo',
|   1237801628L,
|   '5BA68CD42C5798246638C06616E2F4F5FC81E159'),
|  ('1CA9785A36A1DBCF',
|   '5BA68CD42C5798246638C06616E2F4F5FC81E159',
|   'Tim Cutts <timc@chiark.greenend.org.uk> ',
|   0,
|   0),
|  "\nOn 23 Mar 2009, at 9:24 am, NM Fron [.......]

I managed to get gpg to exit with exit code 2 in one case, but there I
had given non-existing keyrings to gpg.

I'm unsure why your mail failed.  Can you simply try it again?  (You'll
have to re-sign the message else the replay cache might get you.)

                           |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
      Peter Palfrader      | : :' :      The  universal
 http://www.palfrader.org/ | `. `'      Operating System
                           |   `-    http://www.debian.org/

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