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Re: Problems becoming an advocate

Tim Cutts wrote:
> I'm trying to become an advocate for Guy Coates (using
> https://nm.debian.org/nmadvocate.php?email=gmpc%40sanger.ac.uk) and try
> as I might Guy is still sitting at "No Advocate".  I use that page, it
> says it's sent me an email, but I never receive it.  I've tried changing
> the address to which my tjrc1@debian.org address forwards, and still no
> joy.  I've tried it again today.  Can you poke around in the logs and
> find out why these mails are never getting to me?

Could you contact me on irc so we can figure out which problem you were running
into? Chances are good that your mail failed to go trough the minimal PGP check
which is done by exim now.


 Bernd Zeimetz                           Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 GPG Fingerprint: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79

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