Re: Why 0 new developer? (Re: NM Report for Week Ending 15 Mar 2009)
Hideki Yamane dijo [Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 09:22:12PM +0900]:
> > Weekly Summary Statistics
> > =========================
> > 2 more people applied to become a new maintainer
> > 0 applicants became maintainers.
> Why any people cannot become a new Debian Developer in these days?
> What is the bottleneck for that, or there is any reason?
> We needs more and more developers, I think.
Well... Time to put on my "old person" hat :)
When I joined the project (2003 - I did NM for slightly over a year,
starting at the end of 2001), there was a perception of a big waiting
period after the checks were in place. This feeling (I think :) ) grew
over the following year or two. And yes, ~2005 we saw many important
changes in how the accounts were created, the people and steps
involved in the process.
NM is far from perfect, as it has already been said, but it is what we
have. And FWIW, we have improved it quite a bit.
As for "we needs more and more developers"... I tend to disagree. We
need developers to be better. We need motivated people to join, and
demotivated people to leave. It is not about being more - it is about
being better.
Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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