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Re: Wishlist: show real names instead of logins

Thijs Kinkhorst <kink@squirrelmail.org> writes:
> I've looked for a place to report a (wishlist) bug against
> https://nm.debian.org and came up with this mailinglist; if this is the
> wrong place please let me know.

Well, this is the right list, though most of the work on the NM pages is
done by the FD when needed.

> I would like to request that the nmstatus.php page would list the real
> names of the people involved, and not just some login name. These are
> often cryptic, but more importantly, give the page a very clinical and
> mechanic image.

That sounds like a good idea, but I have to admit that my knowledge of
PHP ("none") is not really sufficing to implement this. If you have the
time or know someone who's willing to do it: The source code for
nm.debian.org is available on svn.d.o (in the "nm" project). Send
patches to me, please.

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Backbone Scoliosis

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