Re: Queue processing
On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 10:28 -0700, Troy Heber wrote:
> On 11/14/05 11:10, Martin Wuertele wrote:
> > It's not a FIFO queue, it's up to the DAM to decide in what order he
> > processes the applicants. The same applies for the FD queue: they try to
> > match applicants with suitable AMs. This is nothing personal it might
> > take longer to go through all of the correspondence for one applicant
> > than it takes for another one. Please be patient, I'm sure your
> > application will be processed soon.
> I understand why there are differences in AM assignment and the FD
> queue. However, the process is pretty broken if someone can be waiting
> in the DAM queue, this mean having completed everything ask of them
> already, another NM *applies* for NM and still manages pass through
> first. Let me reiterate he applied for NM after I was sitting in the
> DAM queue! This is so disproportional that it does not make sense.
> This is a perfect example of why people get so frustrated with the NM
> process. In reality the NM process is not a process because it is
> non-deterministic. As you say, "it's up to the DAM to decide".
As the person that thought it would be a good idea for Troy
to help out as a DD, I also find this frustrating. It's difficult
to encourage people to contribute as a DD with a process that's so
> So I will shut up now, and go back to my arbitrary wait.
> Troy
Al Stone Alter Ego:
Open Source and Linux R&D Debian Developer
Hewlett-Packard Company
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