Report for new developer applicant Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz <> 1. Identification & Background ------------------------------ Check with Keyid 0x59B957AE ID Check passed, Key signed from 2 existing DD, Goedson Teixeira Paixao <>, Gustavo Noronha Silva <> Output from 0x59B957AE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pub 1024D/59B957AE 2002-11-13 Key fingerprint = 4B6D C72F 824D CF3B 75AE 6479 0FDF 48D6 59B9 57AE uid Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz (agney) <> sig!3 1DEB8EAE 2003-07-09 Goedson Teixeira Paixao <> sig!3 59B957AE 2003-07-11 Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz (agney) <> uid Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz (agney) <> sig!3 59B957AE 2003-07-11 Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz (agney) <> uid Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz (lock) <> sig!3 882A6C4B 2003-01-24 Gustavo Noronha Silva <> sig!3 59B957AE 2002-11-13 Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz (agney) <> sub 1024g/461DBDAB 2002-11-13 sig! 59B957AE 2002-11-13 Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz (agney) <> Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key Key is ok Check for key expire stuff Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check Applicant writes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My name is Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz, I live in brazil, I am 23 years old. I am studing computer cience at UNI-BH (, state of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte) but I come transferred from computer engeniering at UFES( And on my studies I am planning to study next year on New Jersey, Montclair( - computer cience). [...] My first contact with free software was in UFES in 1997 when they put linux on laboratories, because the could not pay microsoft license anymore. The boy who installed the lab installed on all computers the Conectiva distribution. But when you try to ask some doubt for him, he used to ignore us. So in a very beatiful day, another guy called alexandre (aka mcgiver) seeing that I was interested in linux called me and offers to help with learning. So he introduce me to debian world. I didn't know, but on laboratories of masters (the title that you try after graduation) he installed debian on all machines, and he was so patient with me and show me everything I want. They borrow me the Debian CD. teach me about apt-get and a lot of stuff. After a time, I used to spend all my free time helping him with the network configuration and security. Two monts after they offers me a job at the laboratories. On this time a learn a lot the debian policy and the philosofy of free software. But didn't stay much time there. six months after the univesity offers me a job on the main datacenter ( I don't know how to say this in english but this datacenter is where they put students history classes and other stuff releated to administration of university). I stay working there still I moved from other state. I used to work there with administration of servers (AIX, Solaris and of course some Debian machines that me and mcgiver install). At this moment I am not working because I am studing english a lot. As I said on december I will move to clifton on new jersey to finish my graduation. My last work was on my university, supporting the network ( I was almost entering the security team, but I have others priorities now. I think that I write too much about me. If you want to know more, ask me what. My interest for Debian is big. First because I think that is the best school for learn about computers. Second because I am so involved with digital inclusion of people who haven't access yet. My local debian group ( make a lot of events to promote debian. We talk about debian, the philosofy, and install debian on machines that users bring for us. We try not only to give access for people who do not have, but give condictions for these people to produce more knowledge. I think that debian project is a good oportunity to really make programs as I like. making the program like as a picture, like as an art. I love the social contract, cause the meaning of it is the kind of idea that I have. It is my life philosofy. I believe that you can do a better word doing what we like to do. I think that the thinking of stallman about apples and ideas is the same that I think. Resuming: i love the debian project, the debian policy and the philosofy of debian. It does not have a why... I love it because I like it. I used debian for a long time (IMO) and now is time to give my contribution to others beginers. Not only becoming a DD. I am in other projects for answer users questions, write docs about applications and show the project for the comunity in general. 2. Philosophy and Procedures ----------------------------- Remark: I took over Agney from Martin Löschwitz (Madkiss) who did P&P with him. At the beginning of the process Agney had some problems with the english language which get better and better over the time, but he has nonetheless a good understanding about Social Contract and the other P&P stuff. 3. Tasks and Skills ------------------- Agney is Maintainer of fnfx, gkdebconf and hardinfo, all Packages in Debian (sponsored by Gustavo Noronha aka Kov) He also answered my other Questions regarding T&S without problems. His packages are in a good shape and the small problems were corrected fast and without any problems. 4. Recommendation ----------------- I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer. Account: Forward-Email: Alex
Description: Digital signature