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AM Summary for Thomas Scheffczyk

Report for new developer applicant  Thomas Scheffczyk 

Summary: I recommend Thomas Scheffczyk as a Debian Developer.

1. Identification & Background

   Check with Keyid 0xA2E31632

   ID Check passed, Key signed from 1 existing DD, chrism@debian.org

   Output from gpg --check-sigs 0xA2E31632

pub  1024D/A2E31632 2002-09-12 Thomas Scheffczyk <thomas.scheffczyk@verwaltung.uni-mainz.de>
sig!3       A2E31632 2002-09-12   Thomas Scheffczyk <thomas.scheffczyk@verwaltung.uni-mainz.de>
sig!        F95C2F6D 2002-11-08   Christoph Martin <Christoph.Martin@Uni-Mainz.DE>
sub  1024g/B549513C 2002-09-12
sig!        A2E31632 2002-09-12   Thomas Scheffczyk <thomas.scheffczyk@verwaltung.uni-mainz.de>

   Thomas writes:
About myself: I'm 37 years old, married and have two children. We live
togetherr in a small village near Mainz, the capitol of
'Rheinland-Pfalz' a kind of Country in Germany.

As I mentioned before do I work in the University of Mainz. Because of
security concerns the head office of the university has an own network
and is connected with the other parts of the university only over a
firewall system.
Christoph Martin, the debian developer who sign my key, aktually is the
computer department chief here in the head office. Starting with the
first firewall years ago he introduced debian and since then it was and
is used for all our unix systems except for the big database servers.

About six years ago I started to work with unix. At first only as a
user, later as a database-developer and about three years ago also as an
administrator. First I maintained only single services like dhcp or dns.
Later I learned to setup and maintain complete servers. (I have to learn
a lot more, but at least now I know that and what I have to learn ;-)
Right now I'm responsible for data an network security, for the network
itself with it's switches and routers, for the mail system and espcially
for our firewall systems. A relativly new assignment are roadwarriors
and their secure connection to our network.

I think, I don't have to mention that we use debian for all this tasks.
I learned so much and took so much from the community that I wanted to
give something back to it. A couple of months ago I noticed that the
debian packet of the mason firewall based on an old version of masion
that didn't support iptables. On the homepage of mason was a new version
availiable. Christoph Martin asked the maintainer of this packet, Jeff
Liquia if he has plans to update the package. He told him that he was
very busy and that mason is a low priority thread for him. Then we asked
Jeff about a NMU and he said this would be ok. He also said that even
when he has no time to update mason he don't want to see this package
orphaned, but if we want to maintain the package it would be perfectly
ok for him.

In this sitiation Christoph Martin asked me, if I would like to maintain
mason. I would like. And because of this I apply to become a debian
  His Advocate, Christoph Martin <martin@uni-mainz.de>, writes
I know Thomas for some years now. He became quite good in the
administration of Debian systems in the last year. I value his
programming skills. I loves the idea of free software especially
together with Debian and wants to help were he can. He definitely has
the skills to maintain Debian packages.

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Thomas has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and
   Procedures. He answered all my Questions about Social Contract,
   DFSG, BTS etc. satisfactorily.  He understands and agrees to abide
   by the Debian Social Contract.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Thomas has adopted the mason package and uploaded new versions
   which add features and fixes bugs. He also packaged udptunnel, ttt,
   and annoyance-filter and has found sponsors for these. I've reviewed
   his packaging which had minor issues with udptunnel which he
   quickly fixed. He also created a debhelperless version of udptunnel.
   He answered all of the T&S questions satisfactorly.

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