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Re: Trouble becoming a member

On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 08:08:13PM +0200, Ralf Treinen wrote:
> > I also had some trouble with him, because I have been told that a scaned
> > ID would be okay to do ID Check. He wanted me to get my key signed by
> > another developer. That would be no problem if I'd live in a big city
> > with another german developer, but here is none; I already checked that.
> Did you register with the key signing coordination page 
> http://nm.debian.org/gpg_need.php ? I can't find you on the
> list of people looking for a signing.
No, haven't done that already. Maybe I will or I will try to meet Oliver
when he is DD.

> On the list of key signing offers you can find an offer in
> Wernigerode, which imho isn't too far away from Clausthal.
I already spoke to that guy from Wernigerode. He has no car either. So I
have to travel there by bus. Maybe I will do so in the next weeks. I was
just wondering if it really isn't okay to use photo ID, because I heard
that. If that would have been possible there would have been no need to
go to Wernigerode.
So, Wernigerode or Goettingen, then...


 .''`. [Arvid Warnecke] [ Arvid@Nostalgix.Org ] [PGP-Subject: get pgp key]
: :' : [IRC madhatter] [ http://www.nostalgix.org ] [Phone:  05323/715724]
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