Report for new developer applicant Guido Trotter <>: 1. Identification & Background ------------------------------ Check with Keyid 0x8807529B: ID Check passed, Key signed from 1 existing DD, Output from gpg --check-sigs 0x8807529B pub 1024D/8807529B 2001-12-15 Guido Trotter <> Key fingerprint = 4C95 1CEC 98B4 4B68 A286 FF45 8489 B14D 8807 529B sig!3 8807529B 2001-12-15 Guido Trotter <> sig!3 F2C423BC 2002-07-11 Stefano Zacchiroli <> uid Guido Trotter <> sig!3 8807529B 2002-06-30 Guido Trotter <> uid Guido Trotter (ultrt) <> sig!3 8807529B 2002-07-18 Guido Trotter <> sub 1024g/A00E3163 2001-12-15 sig! 8807529B 2001-12-15 Guido Trotter <> Comments about Applicant and what he writes: --8<------------------------schnipp------------------------->8--- I have been in touch with GNU/Linux for some years, and in the last of them I gradulally switched to Debian, which was the distribution that most fitted my needs. So in one distribution I have found quality and the idea of freedom and transparency, as expressed in the Social Contract. Now I am trying to became a developer because I want to do something to "give back to Debian" as Debian "Gives back to the Free Software Community". As a developer I'd like to make Debian growing and becaming even more powerful, by packaging some software or correcting bugs in the exixting one, or more adopting packages I eventually find usefull but the current maintainer doesn't want to maintain anymore. --8<------------------------schnapp------------------------->8--- 2. Philosophy and Procedures ----------------------------- Guido has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and Procedures. He answered all my Questions about Social Contract, DFSG, BTS etc. in a good way. 3. Tasks and Skills ------------------- Guido is Maintainer of freej, Package is in the Archive. He did a good debhelper-less package of it for the NM process. He also answered my other Questions regarding T&S without problems. 4. Recommendation ----------------- I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer. Account: ultrotter Forward-Email: -- begin OjE-ist-scheisse.txt bye, Joerg Encrypted Mail preferred! Registered Linux User #97793 @ end
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