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AM report for Mickael Profeta


Report for new developer applicant Mickael Profeta <mike@alezan.org>:

1. Identification & Background

   Check with Keyid 0x44E22ACD:

   ID Check passed, Key signed from 1 existing DD, romain@debian.org

   Output from gpg --check-sigs 0x44E22ACD:

pub  1024D/44E22ACD 2002-03-11 Mickael Profeta (Mike) <mike@alezan.org>
     Key fingerprint = E286 0604 AA3A A178 E048  70C3 6C97 9FDE 44E2 2ACD
sig!3       44E22ACD 2002-03-11   Mickael Profeta (Mike) <mike@alezan.org>
sig!        DC0D40AD 2002-08-14   Romain Lerallut <romain@debian.org>
sig!        071BD3CC 2002-08-14   Romain Lerallut <romain@debian.org>
sub  1024g/55207628 2002-03-11
sig!        44E22ACD 2002-03-11   Mickael Profeta (Mike) <mike@alezan.org>

   Comments about Applicant and what he writes:
I started to get involved in mailing lists, first french one, and now
even english one. At the beginning it was to find answers to my
questions, but step after step, I begin to give answer to other people,
and this is exactly what I love in the idea of free software: everybody
can know what a program is working and then can help others installing,
running or debugging it.
Why I apply to be a debian maintainer; I want to go on helping people
with free software, because this is what I love in the philosophy, but I
want to be more involved in this project, and I find that debian is the
project which is the closest to my idea. As I will not have enough time
to take part in nthe developpement of a new free software, maintaining
debian packages is the most sensible thing I can do, and as I always
thanks Debian for their wonderfull package system, I am very interested
to take part of this project. Of course, as I use debian dayly, I will
also help the project to improve its quality by submitting and
correcting bugs I can find, and I will go on helping people in mailing
lists as it is the way I discover and appreciate Debian, and hope I can
do the same for other people. 

2. Philosophy and Procedures
   Mickael has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and
   Procedures. He answered all my Questions about Social Contract,
   DFSG, BTS etc. in a good way.

3. Tasks and Skills
   Mickael is Maintainer of tetex-frogg and tetex-frogg-doc, not yet in
   the archive (french letter style for LaTeX). ITP and upload via his
   sponsor should follow in the next days.
   He also answered my other Questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
   Account:  profeta
   Forward-Email: mike@alezan.org

begin  OjE-ist-scheisse.txt
bye, Joerg                 Encrypted Mail preferred!
Registered Linux User #97793 @ http://counter.li.org

Attachment: pgp6acxS9dpd6.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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