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AM report for Janusz A. Urbanowicz

Summary for Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>

sig!3       21939169 2002-03-26   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
uid                            [revoked] Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@eris.phys.uni.torun.pl>
rev!        21939169 2001-03-25   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sig!        21939169 1997-09-24   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
uid                            Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.org.pl>
sig!        21939169 1997-10-16   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sig!        FC494FC4 2001-07-09   Miros/law Baran (Jubal) <baran@debian.org>
uid                            Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.torun.pl>
sig!        21939169 1998-02-23   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sig!        FC494FC4 2001-07-09   Miros/law Baran (Jubal) <baran@debian.org>
uid                            [revoked] Janusz A. Urbanowicz (praca) <alexu@nc-virtual.pl>
rev!        21939169 2001-03-25   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
rev!        21939169 2001-02-04   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sig!3       21939169 1999-09-29   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
uid                            [revoked] Janusz A. Urbanowicz (notebook) <alex@sword>
rev!        21939169 2002-03-26   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sig!3       21939169 2000-10-27   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sig!        FC494FC4 2001-07-09   Miros/law Baran (Jubal) <baran@debian.org>
uid                            Janusz A. Urbanowicz (Jabber ID) <stomil@jabber.org>
sig!3       21939169 2002-02-19   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sub  2048g/A2E48564 1997-09-24 [expires: 2000-12-31]
sig!        21939169 2000-03-14   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sub  2048g/78174410 2000-03-14
sig!        21939169 2000-03-14   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>
sub  1024D/7E2E803D 2001-06-28 [expires: 2003-12-31]
sig!        21939169 2001-06-28   Janusz A. Urbanowicz <alex@bofh.net.pl>

He's 28 now, he has Master's degree (magister in Polish nomenclature)
in experimental physics. Currently he's working in Warsaw University's
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathermatical and Computer Modelling as
a Unix administrator (Solaris, Linux, AIX, UNICOS, Irix). Until about
a year ago he was the Security Officer and later software and security
engineer in Warsaw-based dotcom that was producing software and hardware
for wireless Internet access and application hosting (ASP). The company
has folded in the meantime.

He's Linux user since December of 1996, and about a year later,
or maybe little more, he installed, and the switched to Debian (bo)
from Slackware.

Every now and then he do something for the Free software community,
he's a member of GNU Translation Project Poland - he's translator and a
alpha and beta tester of GNU Privacy Guard. He sometimes do packaging of
software into debs and he miss some security-related things in Debian;
so he intends to fix it.

He's interested in crypto and system security, and he has following
Debian related projects in mind: adapting NSA SE Linux to Debian and
vice versa, adaptation of the new password storing scheme from OWL
Linux to Debian and maybe proliferation of usage of one time passwords
in Debian. And doing debianization of GPG subproject Aegypten.

Philosophy & Procedures
Janusz understands Debian's philosophy and agrees with it.

Tasks & Skills
Janusz is also ok with task and skills to a make debian package. He
packaged anubis, an outgoing mail processor which provides the SMTP
tunnel between the MUA and the MTA.

I recommend that Janusz be accepted as a Debian maintainer.

Debian login: alexu
Forwarding email: alex@bofh.net.pl

-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
 --[ http://filibusta.crema.unimi.it/~cavok/gpgkey.asc
   ---[ 3A0F 2F80 F79C 678A 8936  4FEE 0677 9033 A20E BC50

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