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Re: Debian Multimedia (Unofficial) Promotion

Good time of the day, Fred.

Thank You for Your time and extended answer.
You worte:

>Le 17/03/2012 06:13, Chris S. a écrit :
>> As a new Debian user, I believe I read the following document about
>> multimedia codes:
>> http://wiki.debian.org/MultimediaCodecs
>> However, as noted on the following two pages, Debian does not appear
>> to approve of www.debian-multimedia.org:
>> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/FAQ#Common_issues
>> http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?t=70719&f=13
>> So why would the first page about codecs instruct users to add the
>> www.debian-multimedia.org repository? Shouldn't this be avoided?
>> Shouldn't Debian communicate the contrary on all pages?
>> I just finished downgrading all of the packages that I had linked to
>> debian-multimedia.org, and it was a painful and slow process. Not
>> something I would wish on anyone. It started because I was innocently
>> trying to install VLC and some other video software, and I ran into
>> package conflicts with GNOME and several other packages.
>> So could we update the first link and remove the reference
>> debian-multimedia.org? That would save newbie users like me from the
>> pain of having to figure out why an innocent package in Stable
>> conflicts with the entire GUI of the OS.
>> Thank you for considering my input.


>To finish and don't take it bad, as a self proclamed newbie, are you 
>sure that asking to remove a repository active and useful since years
>is a pertinent idea ?

I think we have to be careful here - when injuring one - I do not think
Chris S. wanted to say anything bad against the repo, but rather to
make it more perfect - the Debian wiki pages he has found while becoming
familiar w/ Debian.

Otherwise we risk to end up w/ many people that would not even try to
make things better - the thing that is not good/project_profitable.

That's OK to correct but not to injure - IMHO.


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