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Re: Debian Multimedia (Unofficial) Promotion

Le 17/03/2012 06:13, Chris S. a écrit :
As a new Debian user, I believe I read the following document about
multimedia codes:


However, as noted on the following two pages, Debian does not appear to
approve of www.debian-multimedia.org:


So why would the first page about codecs instruct users to add the
www.debian-multimedia.org repository? Shouldn't this be avoided?
Shouldn't Debian communicate the contrary on all pages?

I just finished downgrading all of the packages that I had linked to
debian-multimedia.org, and it was a painful and slow process. Not
something I would wish on anyone. It started because I was innocently
trying to install VLC and some other video software, and I ran into
package conflicts with GNOME and several other packages.

So could we update the first link and remove the reference
debian-multimedia.org? That would save newbie users like me from the
pain of having to figure out why an innocent package in Stable conflicts
with the entire GUI of the OS.

Thank you for considering my input.


the following is only my user advice :

- debian-multimedia offers you many things not included in Debian official repos, mainly for GPL reasons, - you'll probably prefer, as a newbie like you said, install VLC from Synaptic (and it's definitly my advice, VLC is a huge PITA to compile),
- some codecs will never be in Debian, and always in Debian multimedia repo,
- if you install VLC, codecs are inside it, so you don't need to use debian-multimedia repo to install VLC (from straight Debian repo), - you have to see the debian-multimedia repo as a complement to debian-repo, which gives users the ability to install stuff not included in official repos, and sometimes updated versions, when need to push more in the multimedia way than the GPL way.

To make it short, you better install from Synaptic for applis, or use the -s option like :
apt-get install -s PACKAGEname
to simulate the install and check conflicts before change Gnome packages...

IIRC, install _codecs_ from Debian multimedia will never give any problem, and allow user to, ie, convert mp3 in ogg format ;-)

To finish and don't take it bad, as a self proclamed newbie, are you sure that asking to remove a repository active and useful since years is a pertinent idea ?


Ah, si chaque grain de sable choisissait d'apporter sa goutte d'eau, hein ?

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