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Re: RT prio settings and much more

2009/3/17 Free Ekanayaka <freee@debian.org>
Hi Eric,

|--==> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 08:31:32 -0500, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki <eric@zhevny.com> said:

 >>So, sid/unstable version of Ardour will be there forever and ever and
 >>never be released nor meet testing because of debian developer "laziness"
 >>in patching...
 >>...can someone borrow me a flame-thrower tank?

 EDR> It's not a matter of debian developer laziness ... the ardour in sid
 EDR> needs patches to _upstream_ libraries. If/when those upstream libraries
 EDR> accept the patches the ardour devs need, then those libraries can get
 EDR> into debian and ardour can use the debian packaged versions rather than
 EDR> it's own forked versions.

100% agreed, ardour not in lenny is a Real Pity (TM). To recap

0) the ardour package was built against some 3rd party libs shipped
inside the upstream tarball, this raised an RC bug

1) that bug was around for a long time, there were no easy fix for
that, but eventually all of the patches made it the 3rd party upstream
projects, which in turned made it to si

2) I've fixed RC bug in ardour in version 2.7.1-2


It was on Dec 18th, that means nearly 2 months before lenny got
release. At this point ardour was RC-free BUT..

3) It was depending on jackd 0.109.2, uploaded a few days before. Note
that jack 0.109.2 was a very important release because it fixed
important bugs in version 0.106, which had been around for almost one

Unfortunately lenny was already freezed by that time, and although
both of the above updates were really safe (IMO) and despite all the
efforts I and especially Reinhard put into convincing the release
managers, we are unable to convince them to accept the updates in

I personally felt very disappointed by all this, especially
considering that lenny got out *2* months later.

So Cassiel, before claiming that 64 Studio Ltd. doesn't contribute to
Debian, read the package changelogs and the BTS.

I have already apologized for my foolish words, once again sorry++

 EDR> As to any criticism's of Free, anyone who doesn't know should look up
 EDR> the history of agnula/demudi. Multimedia in debian (and by proxy,
 EDR> ubuntu) wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today with out his past
 EDR> and continuing efforts.

Thanks for your words Eric, they're very much appreciated!




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