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Missing file on debian.mirror.root.lu

Dear all, 

Working in Luxembourg I'm using this official mirror for my local synchronization and it appears that at least a directory and its subfile is missing on it: 

Using another mirror permits to solve the problem but I still wanted to submit this error, hoping I used the appropriate way. 

I'm using ftpsync for this purppose. 

The transfert error: 

$> cat /var/lib/debmirror/log/rsync-ftpsync.error.2
rsync: opendir "/pool/main/g/geiser" (in debian) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1526) [generator=3.0.7]

I attach also my config file. 

Again, everything works fine if I use another host to mirror from (ftp.de.debian.org in practice)

Best regards, 

Sebastien Varrette, PhD
Scientific Collaborator
ILIAS - CSC (University of Luxembourg)
Campus Kirchberg, office E-007
Mail: 	Sebastien.Varrette@uni.lu       
Web: 	http://csc.uni.lu/sebastien.varrette/     
Phone: 	+352 46 66 44 6600 / +33 6 74 57 90 05  
PGP KeyID 0xA403AC45DD01D5C0                 
Computing Security Research  

Attachment: ftpsync.debian.conf
Description: Binary data

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