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cdn.debian.net supports Name-Base Virtual host (Re: Fw: [Debconf-discuss] cdn.debian.net (Re: Columbia Debian mirror

Carlos and debian-mirros,

I have upgraded to apply Name Based Virtual host as mirror of cdn.debian.net.

I believe is used as a mirror of cdn.debian.net.

And, I modify

* request for mirror administrator

cdn.debian.net can handle IP-based Virtual Host
(http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/ip-based.html ) without any
modification at server-side.

If mirror server use Name-based Virtual Host
(http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/en/vhosts/name-based.html ), please
fill "ServerAlias cdn.debian.net".

Thanks all.

ARAKI Yasuhiro

 at 11:51 PM, Carlos Carvalho <carlos@fisica.ufpr.br> wrote:
> Yasuhiro Araki (ar@debian.org) wrote on 9 August 2010 11:57:
>  >As you pointed out, I hope Carlos to modify httpd.conf to achieve following,
>  > curl -H "Host: cdn.debian.net"
>  >
>  >
>  >When Carlos modify it, I modify cdn.debian.net's health checking codes
>  >to add "Host: cdn.debian.net".
>  >
>  >
>  >Carlos:
>  >I would like you to modify ftp.br.debian.org's ServerAlias in httpd.conf.
> As I said in the other msg., cdn would be more effective if it could
> probe mirrors without intervention of the admins, because it'd see
> more mirrors available.
> Anyway, that's easy enough so I've done it:
> % curl -H "Host: cdn.debian.net"
> Mon Aug  9 08:35:14 UTC 2010
> Using dak v1
> Running on host: franck.debian.org
> Archive serial: 2010080902
> --
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ARAKI Yasuhiro

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