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indy2 boot-install problems - SOLVED


As some of you know i had quite a problem with my SGI Indigo2.
I couldn`t get it to boot up(with tftpboot.img) to get debian installed.
I was not using a serial console.

I had a XL graphics crad, but only one. I have read other places that the problem would be solved if youd remove one card if you had two.
But i just have one.

So after bugging Guido with some mails, he told me to try a other slot for the graphics card. I tried the slot above it used. The card in my indy was as the bottom, so i just moved it slot up.

And now, it seems like i can install debian. (havent tried yet, but the installation worked!)

Oh, and another thing.
I did not use the tftpboot.img from debian, but from http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/linux-mips/install/r4k-ip22/tftpboot.img

hm.. well.. back to the install.
I hope i`ll get X working :)

Med Vennlig Hilsen / Best regards
Christer Gundersen / dizzy tun3Z
http://dtz.cjb.net - http://carebears.mine.nu

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