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Re: Trying to boot the install for Woody mipsel on Decstation 5000/240

On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 02:34:04PM -0400, Len Sorensen wrote:

> I also noticed that one page says second network cards don't work, while
> another page says they do.  I am not sure what the state is.  NetBSD of
> course has had long enough to work on it to get that part working too,
> and it can't be too hard given they are the same chip.

Somebody reported long time ago that they do not work in Linux, so I 
wrote that into the Debian/mipsel install docs...
Maciej has done some work on the DEClance driver in the meantime, but
I know of nobody who has a real PMAD-AA to test it. The problem is,
that the chip (a LANCE) is the same, but the way it is connected to the
rest of the system seems to be different between a DECstation 5000/200
(AFAIK no working LANCE support in the current kernels), the rest
of the DECstation 5000 series and the PMAD-AA TurboChannel ethernet card.
If you have such a card, please test it and tell me the results, so that
I can update the install docs appropriately.

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