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Re: boot-floppies!

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 05:01:55PM +0200, Guido Guenther wrote:
> I think what we actually want is a kernel-patch-2.4.X-mips against the
> "official" kernel sources. Additionally we want a binary kernel-packages
> with subarches appended, like kernel-image-2.4.5-ip22_mips.deb,
> kernel-image-whateversubarch_mips.deb[1], etc and same for mipsel.

I vote for a complete own kernel source tree just from cvs on oss
with Arch: mips, mipsel set.

Florian Lohoff                  flo@rfc822.org             +49-5201-669912
     Why is it called "common sense" when nobody seems to have any?

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