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Re: Debuild cant find upstream source for repackaged PPA

The old version number was for a "native package" - with no trailing dash and Debian package revision. When you added your suffix of -1, that implied a non-native package for which there should be an orig tarball and a Debian diff tarball.

Use + (to increase vs. version without) or ~ (to decrease vs. version without) as the delimiter for your version suffix, instead of -.

Hope this helps!


On Wed, Mar 18, 2020, 12:49 PM Calum McConnell <calumlikesapplepie@gmail.com> wrote:
So, I was looking at repackaging Yannubuntu/boot-repair for Sid because
when I first set up my debian dual-boot, I had to use to to actually
dual boot.  I followed the instructions in the wiki for repackaging
PPA's, and added a new changelog entry (as well as changing the package
to be a quilt instead of a native package: I tried both ways).  I
incremented the version to be 4ppa69-1 instead of 4ppa69, in case I
needed to make further changes.  However, when I tried to run debuild,
I got the attached text file as the output.

What is going on here? The upstream tarball clearly exists, but debuild
doesnt see it?

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