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Re: someone knows about https://archive.debian.net/

oh umm this are out of the main threat.. i want to use the archive.debian.net interface, that's all, i only have help from someone to restore, but i refuse that u said.. u are wrong, at the moment o wheeze, ejabbed was many years outdated!!!

so if the problemof the out service was the certificate, common, provide a http nude way.. crackers, please, repositories are signed! and in case of pre-etch older systems dont use https as today!
its the most common solution, easy, simple and withpout problem...

and, about ejabberd case: many users asked to contribute with packages, but well.. and in other words:
2017-04-23 4:30 GMT-04:00 Philipp Huebner <debalance@debian.org>:
I must protest! Have you checked the facts lately?


I have ported ejabberd 16.09 all the way back to Wheezy (via backports-sloppy).
so ok, lest see, its not in the main.. so most novice users not have that and not know.. 

well as suceded to me, i installed similar case bugreport from onther (not from main).. due are not in main.. bugreport are broken due if u install from backport deendences are not good property set:

and its not the only case, there's many many... 

If you are running a public server on a Debian release older than Wheezy, that is a severe security problem to every participant on the net and should be shut down immediately.
It's also totally your own fault then that you have only an ancient ejabberd version available. You cannot expect a current release of any software to be present in an obsolete Debian release.
it's nonsense said the outdated software are bad.... 

bad its the non-patched software.. the poor tested software, so dont said ilogic things...

so today systemd have two problems, two open bugs in debian track (now archived due no have solutions) such as example the killing process problem, this problem raised once again was switched... but anyway, debian swict event contrubute to the effors of the other proyects.. systemd was poor tested.. but most ditribution was swichted..

please how we can trust in software with some "dirty" practices, like merge udev to force usage of systemd? i remenber the problem.. but here we are---

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2017-04-23 4:30 GMT-04:00 Philipp Huebner <debalance@debian.org>:

Am 22.04.2017 um 16:35 schrieb PICCORO McKAY Lenz:
debian have many out (very out) to date packages like ejabberd.. and u
tell me about "security" please! theres a issue related to slim, due bad
integrtion with pam and systemd, see it
debian have many out (very out) to date packages like ejabberd.. and u
tell me about "security" please!

I must protest! Have you checked the facts lately?


I have ported ejabberd 16.09 all the way back to Wheezy (via backports-sloppy).

ejabberd 16.09 is the latest release before a series of major code refactorings introducing a ton of new bugs and regressions.
It is still quite a recent release which can be configured to be 100% compliant with current XMPP compliance suites (XEP-0387).

ejabberd 17.04 is already available in experimental and will be available for Jessie and Stretch once stretch-backports and jessie-backports-sloppy are open.

If you are running a public server on a Debian release older than Wheezy, that is a severe security problem to every participant on the net and should be shut down immediately.
It's also totally your own fault then that you have only an ancient ejabberd version available. You cannot expect a current release of any software to be present in an obsolete Debian release.

 .''`.   Philipp Huebner <debalance@debian.org>
: :'  :  pgp fp: 6719 25C5 B8CD E74A 5225  3DF9 E5CA 8C49 25E4 205F
`. `'`

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