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Re: Introduce wrapper package of linuxbrew into Debian

Hi Gianfranco Costamagna,

On Mon, 2015-08-17 at 08:27 +0000, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> yes, exactly the point I had, so somewhere the user should be aware that reporting
> the bug on Debian Bug Tracking System is *wrong*.

> and here we are:
> how do you say that to the user?
> You say overriding the env is bad, but you didn't provide (AFAICS) a good way for letting
> the user know about the profile

I didn't mean "overriding the env is bad". I mean:
 -> can we directly add ENVs for users?
  -> how about doing this in wrapper script:
     sed -i -e "$a\$(cat /usr/share/.../example/profile)" .bashrc
   -> very bad.
Then can ENVs be handled automatically?

Then there are 2 things to convey to linuxbrew-wrapper users:

 * linuxbrew packaging bug is not debian bug but upstream bug,
   report linuxbrew bug at upstream github.

 * there's a example profile located at
   and one can simply source it in bashrc/zshrc for the basic
   linuxbrew utilization. If user installed some libs with
   linuxbrew, he/she needs to handle BREW_LIB BREW_INCLUDE

And I'm going to state them

 * before invoking upstream install script
 * in the manpage which is to be added.

Is there better way to tell the 2 points to users ?

 * postinst ? *.News ?

> this is fine, as long as you set RPATH on the linuxbrew packages, or you
> LD preload in some way the binary at each run

IMHO LD_LIBRARY_PATH is better, since rpath is a problem
on Debian packaging and RPATH info is embedded into ELFs.

> Note: I didn't run the code, because I think some discussion is needed, at least on debian-devel to see
> other folks's opinions.

I think so. however
currently this package is not ready to get public attention.
At lease I need to compose a manpage to state the main idea
of this package.

> I know very well the subject, and actually I did something brew similar in my work company, to keep our
> installing them in a private location, to avoid messing up with users systems and messing up with different versions 
> of our libraries (a customer might do not want to rebuild against a new library version, if the old one
> fits the needs for him).
> The problem here is that using non-standard locations is source of troubles, but I see you/brew fixed them
> in the proper way (at least the same way I fixed them in my workplace).

I'm glad to hear that.

> If other DDs gives an ack I'll be happy to finish my review :)

OK and thank you :-)
 .''`.                                               Lumin
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