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Re: About debuild -i

} I found that if I use -i I will get the following problems, whereas if -i
} is omitted, then they won't show up.
}  I: ddclient: unused-debconf-template ddclient/hostslist
}  I: ddclient: unused-debconf-template ddclient/blankhostslist

I cannot replicate this.

AFAIK the debuild parameter "-i" is passed to dkpg-build, from where
it is passed to dpkg-source. The "-i" parameter (or "--diff-ignore")
forces dpkg-source to filter out unwanted files.

The debuild parameter "-i" is NOT passed to Lintian. Moreover, Lintian
only shows info tags when it is called with "-I" (or
"--display-info"). Calling lintian with the parameter "-i" (or
"--info") yields different behavior: It forces lintian to display
explanatory information on the tags shown.

Best wishes,


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