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Re: Fwd: Cannot get a .changes file from a package

>> Where can I specify the included files?
> You need to read how to make a proper Debian package and then write proper
> debian/* files. There are several guides with starting info about that,
> such as maint-guide.
>> Since the sources are already compiled the installation of the
>> software is just a copy of files, nothing more.
> You must compile the sources during the package build process.

Ok, I was able to create a package from the source code via
dpkg-buildpackage. It compiled.
 - I still have a mime type to associate,
 - an icon to add,
 - a shortcut also,
 - and my binary is still not copied in /usr/bin. The Makefile was
created with QT creator and I wasn't able to modify $(DESTDIR).

I need to know how to move files just next the build, so that the
icon, shortcut and my binary will be at the right place in the
package. Concerning the mime type I am reading the documentation of

I thank all of you who invite me to read documents on internet, but
while I'm motivated to success, the task is pretty hard. Maybe I'm not
beginning with the easiest package.

@Raúl: no particular reason not to use dpkg-buildpackage, it's just
that with 1 command dpkg-deb did the job!

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