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What to do about a bug found after the freeze


A bug was reported upstream in roxterm just after Squeeze's freeze:


Not all the details are there. The main symptom is that if a profile
specifies multiple tabs, the commands on the hidden ones don't get
started until you click on them, and attempting to use the profile
editor to resize a window before these tabs have been activated results
in their trying to resize the window to considerably larger than the
screen and tying up the CPU for a few seconds.

Unfortunately there wasn't a quick fix; I had to change enough code to
warrant, in my mind, a version change from 1.18.5(-1) to 1.19.x. This also
makes it a good time to release the new web pages someone's designed for
me, which should be complete in the next few days.

Before that I also made it support configure --htmldir and --docdir
correctly, which required a small change to the C code as well as
configure.ac and Makefile.am.

So what happens about the Squeeze version?

1. Just put up with the bug.
2. Backport just the code that fixes the main bug and call it 1.18.5-2.
3. As 2 but also include the docdir/htmldir correction even though it
   has no net effect on the Debian package (easier to create the patch).
4. Force 1.19.x into Squeeze with the new web pages.

TH * http://www.realh.co.uk

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