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Re: RFS: julius - speech recognition engine

[ No need to CC me, I read the list ]

On 13/07/10 19:47, Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT) wrote:
> Hi Felipe,
> Thank you for taking a look at the Julius package.

No problem.

> 2010/7/13 Felipe Sateler <fsateler@debian.org>:
>> - Why do you modify the manpages via sed instead of patching them?
> Because IMHO it's much easier to maintain than having a big patch
> which I have to update every time a manpage changes.

OK, indeed this seems like a better approach.

>> - Why are there only static libraries?
> It's what upstream's build system provides, and I was told that the
> libraries do stuff like calling abort() so I haven't really bothered
> about it. I want to look into this some day though and maybe patch it.

Well, its probably better to fix that first instead.

>> ... and I'm not quite confident about the license, specially about the
>> Kyoto District Court venue thing (clause 5).
> Uhm, isn't that a common thing in licenses? It's the least clause I'd
> have expected to be problematic, personally I'm more worried about the
> advertising clause. In any case, I could live with it if the package
> goes into non-free.

The thing is that I'm not a legalese person, so I'm not confident enough
to upload it. Would you mind passing the license through debian-legal
and see what they say?

Felipe Sateler

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