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Re: RFS: webilder

Thanks for the feedback.

I have been trying to contact the ITP owner for a couple of weeks, but so far haven't received any reply.

Good catch regarding the patch. It seems that I had an old version of the .orig.tar.gz lying around when creating the package, and the changes you observed actually happened in the upstream package. I maintain the upstream code as well and the intention is that the upstream debian/ directory would be used as-is -- there should be no changed files.

Perl is needed for generating the man pages (using pod2man). I added a Python version restriction. Fixed the capitalization. Fixed the close:bug# syntax.

I am not sure if it matters, but the latests Standards-Version haven't reached Ubuntu yet, so I am getting a lintian warning when builing the package on Ubuntu so I should probably keep it for now.

I can modify the binary names to be all small caps, but the right way to do it would be in the next upstream release.

I'll try to reach out to PAPT as well.


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