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s390 and hppa virtual machines?


One of my packages, gforth, is having a weird FTBFS on hppa and
a not-so-weird FTBFS on s390.  A couple of weeks ago I asked here
about help with a mips/mipsel problem, and two people kindly pointed
out qemu as a way to (slowly, but still something) test things on
different architectures.  This, along with Aurelien Jarno's images
at http://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/ helped a lot with mips,
mipsel, and armel.

Is there anywhere I could find a ready-made qemu image of lenny, squeeze,
or sid for either s390 or hppa?  Installing it from scratch would be
a bit more time-consuming than upgrading a ready-made image :(

If not, could anyone suggest some other emulation environment that
I could use for s390 or hppa?  I came across a couple of mentions of
Hercules, but they were all several years old.

Any help would be appreciated.


Peter Pentchev	roam@ringlet.net    roam@space.bg    roam@FreeBSD.org
PGP key:	http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
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