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Re: ITS: arc-colors, gnome-colors, shiki-colors are ready

>I searched for the email addresses, but I do not found one. Victor, do
you have the email addresses?

These are the addresses I found for both of them, after some googling:
Daniel P. Fore: daniel.p.fore@gmail.com
Nuno Pinheiro: nuno@oxygen-icons.org

For Arc-Colors, nuno designed the KDE4 login screen, on which the wallpapers are based on. Daniel P. Fore did the original xml file and textboxes, which was then heavily modified to suit Arc-Colors.

For the GNOME-Colors, almost all of them are indeed from Tango/GNOME sources. Many of the new icons were also created by simply combining these sources, and many of the old icons have been replaced by their gnome-icon-theme's new one-canvas counterpart in recent versions.

There are about 10-13 icons in total (plus about 10 more which are derived from these, and their duplicates in in each set), for which the 48px scalable files are based on Elementary icons by Daniel P. Fore. The smaller files were made by me, since Elementary did not have those sizes at the time gnome-colors was created.

I'll try to make a list of all the icons if necessary, but it seems like that will take a long time to manually go through all of them.

BTW, is the Shiki package the only one that needs "This package is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version.", or should the other packages have similar lines be added to their AUTHORS files?

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