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Re: Debian changelog vs upstream changelog

Tony Houghton <h@realh.co.uk> writes:

> Good point. Is there not a control field where you can give a URL for
> an upstream changelog?

No, I don't think such a thing belongs in the ‘control’ file. There is
significant pressure *against* adding fields to that file, since the
addition of such a field bloats the repository ‘Packages’ files.

Rather, it would be good to have a facility similar to the way the
Debian changelog is currently available: have the upstream changelog
published in a predictable location by package name.

A good project from someone with a lot of time on their hands, I guess.

 \        “The right to search for truth implies also a duty; one must |
  `\      not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true.” |
_o__)                                                 —Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

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