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Re: Getting Started

"Boyd Stephen Smith Jr." <bss03@volumehost.net> writes:

> So, I decided to stop talking about contributing to Debian and start 
> *actually* contributing to Debian.

Thank you for this. Also:

> I ran "aptitude search '~i!~M' | head" to find a package to start
> working on, and the first one that came up was acpi-support, so I
> looked it up on PTS and got started.

Thank you *much* more for looking at existing packages that need help,
rather than performing a drive-by addition of a new package which is
regrettably common.

> The package isn't lintian clean, so I also started working on that.  My 
> lintian (lenny) doesn't report maintainer-script-ignores-errors although 
> it is reported at http://lintian.debian.org/full/bart%40samwel.tk.html .  

You should always build and test your packages using the latest
‘unstable’, to minimise the gap between the nominal development
baseline and your submitted packages.

You can do this in a number of ways, including using ‘sid’ as your
operating system on your workstation; however, I find it more
convenient to use the ‘pbuilder’ package to maintain a chroot
environment for building and testing, leaving me to run something a
little less unstable as my workstation OS.

> Once I get something together that needs sponsoring, is
> mentors.debian.net preferred hosting or would my own VPS be fine?

Using your own hosting server is fine, but there are numerous small
benefits to uploading to mentors.d.n, not least the fact that you use
the very same Debian tool (‘dupload’ or, my preference, ‘dput’) as is
used for uploading to the main Debian repository.

> Maybe this isn't the right way to start, but I'm more interested in
> bug squashing and maintenance for packages I use than anything else.

You are a rare gem, then, and I hope to see much more of this :-)

 \              “Only the educated are free.” —Epictetus, _Discourses_ |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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