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Perl testing (prove) dependencies


I have written a small utility for fetching variables from an INI-style
configuration file, and ITP'd it at #502543 - confget.  Actually, there
already is a Debian package for it that I've been using at $REALJOB for
a couple of weeks, but now that it seems to be mature enough to be
shown to the world, I've got a dependency question :)

After the build, confget may optionally run a test suite.  This is done
with Perl's prove(1) utility - t/*.t files, "1..8", "not ok 3" and such.
Thus, prove(1) must be present at build time (I'm using debhelper 7 -
it runs dh_auto_test automatically, since my Makefile has a test target,
and I like that).

Now, since confget already depends on debhelper which obviously pulls in
most of Perl, may I just make use of that, or should I add an explicit
build dependency on "perl | libtest-harness-perl", just in case the build
mechanism changes at some point in the future?


Peter Pentchev	roam@ringlet.net    roam@cnsys.bg    roam@FreeBSD.org
PGP key:	http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
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