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mentors.debian.net flaky - but not much longer

Dear maintainers,

I'd like to apologize for the unreliability of mentors.debian.net in the 
last weeks. I am experiencing a wild mixture of problems in the backend 
code, the PGP verification and the mysql database. That lead to packages 
either left in the upload directory or being thrown away randomly during 
the import into the repository.

The good news is that I had the honor to be the mentor of the Google Summer 
of Code project called 'debexpo' [0] [1] that I proposed and which is a 
web-based Debian package repository software. Jonny Lamb - the student and 
author - finished the project recently and we are sorting out a few last 
things about before I intend to use it for mentors.debian.net. It's no 
conincidence that it will look pretty much the same as the current 
mentors.debian.net site because that was one of the design goals. But it's 
also flexible enough to provide personal package archives (PPAs) [2] or 
apt-get'able repositories like 'debpool' [3] creates if anyone is 

Expect an announcement of the beta relaunch of mentors.debian.net based on 
debexpo soon on this mailing list. Jonny and I will welcome your feedback 

I just wanted to tell you that I'm aware of the problems and am working on 
a remedy right now.


[0] http://debexpo.workaround.org/
[1] http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2008/debexpo
[2] http://code.google.com/p/debppa/
[3] http://wiki.debian.org/debpool

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