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how to just copy files that don't need compiled? and set up a cron job?


I could use some assistance building a package. I've been using this guide - http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ - and successfully build some packages for CPAN modules yesterday, which were fairly normal. Now I'm trying to build a somewhat simpler package but running into two main problems: getting a cron job set up and actually getting the perl scripts copied into the right locations.

This package is just a few perl scripts and a perl module. It needs to go into a certain folder that doesn't exist normally. I added the custom directory they need to go into (/opt/gsi-tools) to the debian/dirs file and it is getting created when I install the package. (I know that's kind of a weird folder but higher powers have insisted that's where this stuff goes;-))... However the scripts are not getting copied in there. My build directory is /usr/local/src/gsi-tools/gsi- tools-1.7 and I've tried putting the scripts right in there, or in /usr/local/src/gsi-tools/gsi-tools-1.7/opt/gsi-tools but either way they don't get installed when I install the package.

So I figure I need to add something into the debian/rules file to copy the files somehow. I've tried several things but the latest thing I tried which didn't work was:

install: build
        dh_clean -k

        mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/opt/gsi-tools
        cp GSITools.pm $(CURDIR)/debian/opt/gsi-tools/
        cp GSIManagementService.pl $(CURDIR)/debian/opt/gsi-tools

The other part of my question is trying to set up a cron job. I tried adding the job into debian/cron.d.ex and in the debian/rules file I uncommented dh_installcron in the "binary-arch: build install" section, but the cron job is not being added to /etc/crontab or to root's crontab (it needs to run as root).

I've also tried adding a command into the postinst.ex in the configure section to echo/append the job to /etc/crontab, and another command in prerm.ex to remove that line from the crontab.... but even with that the cron job still never shows up.


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