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Re: how to just copy files that don't need compiled? and set up a cron job?

Am Donnerstag, den 01.11.2007, 08:38 -0500 schrieb Jeremy Martin:

> This package is just a few perl scripts and a perl module. It needs to
> go into a certain folder that doesn't exist normally. I added the
> custom directory they need to go into (/opt/gsi-tools) to the
> debian/dirs file and it is getting created when I install the package.
> (I know that's kind of a weird folder but higher powers have insisted
> that's where this stuff goes;-))...


> However the scripts are not getting copied in there. My build
> directory is /usr/local/src/gsi-tools/gsi- tools-1.7 and I've tried
> putting the scripts right in there, or
> in /usr/local/src/gsi-tools/gsi-tools-1.7/opt/gsi-tools but

>  either way they don't get installed when I install the package.

Please read debhelper(1). The default location (for files) to package is
debian/$(PACKAGE) - even since compatibility level 2.

[snip debian/rules code with the same issue]

> The other part of my question is trying to set up a cron job. I tried
> adding the job into debian/cron.d.ex and in the debian/rules file I
> uncommented dh_installcron in the "binary-arch: build install"
> section, but the cron job is not being added to /etc/crontab or to
> root's crontab (it needs to run as root). 

It's AFAIK never added to /etc/crontab. dh_installcron(1) installs
cron-scripts into /etc/cron.{d,hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}/.

> I've also tried adding a command into the postinst.ex in the configure
> section to echo/append the job to /etc/crontab, and another command in
> prerm.ex to remove that line from the crontab.... but even with that
> the cron job still never shows up. 

Independent that this is not necessary, you have to remove the .ex
suffixes. These are example files, that are not considered by debhelper
scripts. For me it sounds, you left the suffixes.

Regards, Daniel

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