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Re: quilt, cdbs, dpatch, but is there even simpler ?

Romain Beauxis <toots@rastageeks.org> writes:

> As far as I know it is not.
> A native debian package can have a single tar.gz but not a package with 
> upstream releases.. 
> This is also handy when uploading new debian releases since you don't have to 
> upload the orig tarball at each time.. How would you have such a possibility 
> without the diff.gz ?

Well, we were talking about two tar.gz files, the orig.tar.gz and a
{debian|diff}.tar.gz instead of the diff.gz.  If the diff.gz file
actually does not modify any file when it is applied there is no
reason for it to be a patch file.  Instead it could be an archive
which is unpacked into debian/


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