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[Announce] Updated Debian PVFS and Lustre packages

I'd like to announce that the PDSI/SciDAC [0] project has as one of
its goals to support HPC I/O file system packages for Operating
Systems that aren't currently supported by the developers.  Some of
the results of this goal are in a debian repository on the PDSI/SciDAC
page [1]. Ideally these packages would not stay there for long and be
integrated into mainline debian distribution. However, I'm sure that
some of the packages can't be integrated due to debian policies.

So here's a run-down of what's available so far and what I'd like to see happen.

PVFS [2] is a parallel virtual file system developed by The Parallel
Architecture Research Laboratory at Clemson University and The
Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National
Laboratory, at least that's what their website says ;). I've developed
packages for pvfs and posted a couple of times to the debian-mentors
mailing list about it and it would be great if someone could pick it
up and put these packages into the debian unstable distribution.

Lustre [3] is a parallel file system that's already in debian unstable
however is very out of date and the above repository contains updated
versions built against lenny. Since CFS doesn't have any goals for
maintaining lustre against the vanilla kernel they probably won't
touch 2.6.21 for a while. These I wouldn't expect to just jump right
into lenny and etch, that probably violates some debian policy

Please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions or problems.

- David Brown

[0] http://www.pdsi-scidac.org/
[1] http://www.pdsi-scidac.org/repository/debian/index.html
[2] http://www.pvfs.org/
[3] http://www.lustre.org/

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