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RFS: python-harvestman

Dear Mentors,
I'd like you to see HarvestMan (http://harvestman.freezope.org) (ITP
bug #352012). I have made some updates to the package over the last week.

HarvestMan can be used to download files from websites, according to a
number of user-specified rules. The latest version of HarvestMan
supports as much as 60 plus customization options. HarvestMan is a                                  
console (command-line) application.

HarvestMan is the only public-domain, multithreaded web-crawler
program written in the Python language. HarvestMan is released under
the GNU General Public License.

The package is quite small and simple. The current tarball is
available at
(< 100KB)

and my diff is at:

The current status is, that I have a source package which generates
python2.3-harvestman, python2.4-harvestman and
python-harvestman. python-harvestman depends on the 2.3 version and
ships with a symbolic link to the executable script present in the
site-packages directory. I have also outlined the advantage of using
the 2.4 package in README.Debian.

It is almost lintian clean; upstream uses two changelog files, on of which
is called Changes.txt, so that causes a warning.

Please send in your comments, so that I can improve it.


Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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