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Re: RFS: exaile

Hi, François,

On Oct 22 2006, François Févotte wrote:
> I uploaded a new version of my exaile packages.

First of all, I can't upload the package for you, but I had a quick look
into the package.

I am anxiously awaiting for it to hit the Debian archives (I'd love to
have amarok installed, but its dependencies make the backup of my core
system have more than one CD which is one of the criteria that I use to
choose which packages to install---I hope that exaile won't exceed it,
since most of the infra-structure is already here with gtk 2).

That being said, I saw that you still have the Debian package versioned
as -1. There's no problem with that, but I saw that you didn't include
the issues you listed below in the changelog.

> It addresses the following issues:
> * the package recommends python-gamin, as suggested by George Danchev
> and Magnus Holmgren
> * I repackaged the sources to remove the python-gpod binary .deb
> package. Instead, the exaile package now recommends python-gpod, as
> suggested by Eric Evans and Charles Plessy.
> * I repackaged the upstream sources to remove the mutagen library
> sources. The mutagen library is instead found in the python-mutagen
> package (from which the exaile package depends) as suggested by Eric
> Evans.
> * I cleaned the debian/rules to remove the unneeded lines, as
> suggested by Eric Evans.

Some of them are included in README.Debian, where you mention that
you've modified the source package, while the others aren't cited in the
changelog: for instance, the fact that you've cleaned up debian/rules,
included the recommends and depends on the python-* etc.

This, while not critical, would be a good thing to have (credit where
credit is due).

Also, you have an exaile script in the main directory. Perhaps it would
be a good idea to not only call "python exaile.py $@", but to prepend it
with and "exec", unless I'm missing something.  This is the same thing
as reported in bug #308239.

And perhaps it could "Suggests:" to have gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg? This, perhaps, would be a nice thing to have...

Thanks for packaging it. I can't wait to have it uploaded...

Regards, Rogério Brito.

Rogério Brito : rbrito@ime.usp.br : http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito
Homepage of the algorithms package : http://algorithms.berlios.de
Homepage on freshmeat:  http://freshmeat.net/projects/algorithms/

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