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[RFS] OptiPNG - advanced PNG (Portable Network Graphics) optimizer


I am searching for a sponsor for OptiPNG.

  OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses the image files to a smaller
  size, without losing any information. It losslessly reduces the bit depth,
  the color type and the color palette of the image, runs a suite of
  compression methods and strategies, and selects the compression parameters
  that yield the smallest output file.
  It also recognizes several external file formats like BMP, GIF and PNM
  (PBM, PGM, PPM).

Homepage is: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~cosmin/pngtech/optipng/

It's released under the zlib/libpng license, is lintian and linda
clean and builds OK on pbuilder.

Someone may ask "Why another PNG optimizer if we already have pngcrush?"
pngcrush, at least as I know was last released on 2002 and has some
FTBS (and other) bugs on Debian. OptiPNG is active.
OptiPNG was inspired on pngcrush, so basically, it does the same
thing. However, OptiPNG offers a faster execution per trial and a
wider search space, resulting in better results than pngcrush.

Files can be obtained from:
http://biolinux.df.ibilce.unesp.br/naoliv/optipng/ and it will close
ITP #347993.

sponsors.debian.net --> http://sponsors.debian.net/viewpkg.php?id=199

(I have sent this message before to the list, but since I was not
suscribed, it didn't arrived. So sorry if the message appears again on
some day).

Thank you very much!


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