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Re: Not able to understand debian-policy 8.1.1

Ben Finney wrote:

On 13-Jul-2005, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
In http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html , In section 8.1.1, in the second paragraph it says

The package must call |ldconfig| in the |postinst| script if the
first argument is configure; ......... The package should call
|ldconfig| in the |postrm| script if the first argument is remove.

first argument to what?

To the postinst script and postrm scripts, respectively.

This could probably be phrased better. I'd suggest:

When the |postinst| script for the package receives a first argument
of configure, it must call |ldconfig|;
The it here could be confusing for non-native speakers. Does it refer to package or does it refer to postinst?

the |postinst| script make
optionally invoke |ldconfig| at other times.

This should be 'may' instead of make.

When the |postrm| script
for the package receives a first argument of remove, it should call
|ldconfig|. The maintainer scripts for the package must not invoke
|ldconfig| under any circumstances other than those listed in this
I would suggest to rephrase it as

If the first argument to the postinst script is configure then the postinst script should call ldconfig. Similarly, if the first argument to the postrm script is remove then the postrm script should call ldconfig. Irrespective of the above two situations, the postinst can optionally invoke ldconfig. However, the maintainer scripts must not invoke ldconfig ||under any circumstances other than those described in this paragraph.


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Graduate Student, MAE
Cornell University

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