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Re: Not able to understand debian-policy 8.1.1

On 13-Jul-2005, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> In http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html , In 
> section 8.1.1, in the second paragraph it says
> The package must call |ldconfig| in the |postinst| script if the
> first argument is configure; ......... The package should call
> |ldconfig| in the |postrm| script if the first argument is remove.
> ............
> first argument to what?

To the postinst script and postrm scripts, respectively.

This could probably be phrased better. I'd suggest:

When the |postinst| script for the package receives a first argument
of configure, it must call |ldconfig|; the |postinst| script make
optionally invoke |ldconfig| at other times. When the |postrm| script
for the package receives a first argument of remove, it should call
|ldconfig|. The maintainer scripts for the package must not invoke
|ldconfig| under any circumstances other than those listed in this

Is that clearer? If so, I'll suggest a change to debian-policy.

 \       "A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular."  -- |
  `\                                             Adlai Ewing Stevenson |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <ben@benfinney.id.au>

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