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Re: non-free compiler

Wouter van Heyst wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 03:55:56PM +0200, Bas Wijnen wrote:
>>Hello mentors,
>>I recently adopted GFingerPoken (not uploaded yet).  However, I found
>>out that the artwork in the source is actually generated with pov-ray.
>>So I started reworking the package to do a "complete" compilation, which
>>also compiles the art from source.
> This is in the galois tarball in your new package, but not in the
> gfpoken currently in the archive?

Right.  Although it is included in my new package, it currently doesn't
compile it (and so technically doesn't have a non-free build-dep).

> Considering the artwork, arguments could be made for it being art and
> not software, but let's not open that can of worms.

Ok, let's not. :-)

> kpovmodeler choked on marble.pov, but it shouldn't be that hard to find
> other free software coping with .pov, or modify something to support the
> povray language more fully.

I searched a bit, and think it is actually quite hard.  I think it would
be easier to remake the graphics, either with something like blender, or
simply with the Gimp.  But I don't have a problem with anyone proving me
wrong. :-)

> Blender has an export plugin to povray, so
> that might be another option.

Exporting to povray is much easier than importing, as they can just not
use most of the possibilities it has.  I don't think it's easy to create
an import plugin.

> I'm afraid this doesn't directly help you yet, but if you want to
> continue moving to free artwork, I'd like to help you get there.

I do, and I welcome your help.  I think I'll just try some things, but
as I'm not really a great artist, someone else trying some things might
be a better idea. ;-)


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